Morgan’s Corner – The Early Bird

“But love of the wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyond reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only home we shall ever know, the only paradise we ever need – if only we had eyes to see.”, Edward Abbey.

Take a minute to look at your life, your mistakes and your accomplishments and what you envision for your future, this is our only planet and we need to be vigilant as humans to preserve it.

This photo was taken of me by my good friend after a disappointing duck hunt, we didn’t have much luck and had a few bad shots but at the end of the hunt I was humble. I am grateful and humble to have the resources to be able to experience a little bit of what the earth has to offer.

This was a routine duck hunt, get up at 3 a.m get ready load your gear in your truck, load your boat, wait for your partner to show up then hit the road for the long drive to the draw. We didn’t get picked to hunt a blind that morning, so we had to drop the boat in the river and hope to find a bayou that wasn’t already occupied. Duck hunting can be very repetitive, and very discouraging, and sometimes it feels, for a lot of work there is sometimes little return.

I think out of every bad hunt there is a lesson to be learned, this day my lesson goes hand in hand with my mentioned quote; It seems hunting is gaining attention and with social media hunters look for acceptance, and they look for attention, and want to show photos of them with bag limits and big bucks. Hunters are looking for fame and recognition myself included at times. I need to keep myself in check that hunting isn’t a competition, It is being one with your environment and surroundings. It is about being cautious and respectful to everything around you.

Lets remember to look for lessons in every situation in life, lets remember to stay humble, kind, and respectful. Lets remember that the love of the wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyond reach; it is an expression of loyalty to the earth which bore us and sustains us.

Jan 17, 2017 | Category: Blog, Morgan's Corner | Comments: none


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