Rhonda’s Corner – Hunting Season 2016

The last two hunting seasons I have been bow hunting more than rifle.

I have rifle hunted for around 20 years, and bow hunting for the last 9. But it hasn’t been until the last 2 years that I have been “really” bowhunting.

Bow hunting in my opinion is very different than rifle and I love it. I love that you need to get close to your game, that you can call them in, most of the time and I love to hear them bugle and cow call. Although I have yet to fill my bow tag, bowhunting is my favorite way to hunt.

I met my husband 2 years ago and since then every bow season we go up to our bow camp for 2 weeks. This year was incredible. I have never heard so much bugling. From our first day out we were literally surrounded by several different herds at once. We had no idea from which way an elk would come in, so we had to be constantly looking in every direction which is very hard to do when you should be very slow with your movements. It was truly amazing. We got into elk for 4 days, always the same, bugles from in front of us and behind us.

My brother in law was calling for my husband and I and he did a great job. He brought them right to us. But because of one circumstance or another I wasn’t able to get a shot on one. And that’s okay. Just being in the middle was a rare opportunity.

Every year my hunting experience is different. I learn new things and hunt new places. Sometimes you fill your tag and sometimes you don’t, but every time you make memories that last a lifetime.

Dec 08, 2016 | Category: Blog | Comments: 1


One comment on “Rhonda’s Corner – Hunting Season 2016

  1. Great story! Hunting elk with a bow is the best adrenaline rush ever!! Glad to hear you love it too.

    Kelle Adams
    Bad Ass Outdoor Gear

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